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"The sxsters of Chi Delta Theta seek to enrich the lives of the community and university students by applying the following"


Our main purpose for being in a university is the strive for gaining knowledge and achieving academic goals. Academics are always our sxsters and sororities number one priority. A strong Chi Delt recognizes their priorities and finds a way to balance school, work, and their extracurricular activities.



The bonds that Chi Delt's create persevere through the test of time, far beyond college. Throughout our active sorority days, our experiences together establish unbreakable bonds and connections with one another. Each sibling gains an indescribable siblinghood with a group of diverse and unique individuals in the sorority, with many instances of becoming best friends.

Cultural Awarness

A Chi Delt's purpose is not to segregate, but to celebrate and understand each other's cultural differences, while recognizing the importance of deepening the knowledge of our own roots. Although Chi Delta Theta is an Asian-American Interest sorority, we accept, acknowledge and encourage individuals of all ethnic backgrounds to join our organization.als. Academics are always our sxsters and sororities number one priority. A strong Chi Delt recognizes their priorities and finds a way to balance school, work, and their extracurricular activites.


Community Service

Chi Delts seeks to not only enrich the lives of its members, but enrich the lives of others such as individuals from the university and their community. Since our organizational chapter does not have one set philanthropy, we are able to allocate our funds and service to an array of organization, bringing social awareness and understanding of a variety of issues in our communities. Allowing for the education and nourishing the souls and hearts of our members.

Social Activity

The ability to communicate and interact with different types of people is essential to our success as individuals. Our organization understands the pivotal role of social activities members of the community should have while in college, which is why we strive to push ourselves to maintain a healthy work-school balance. In doing so, Chi Delta Theta sxsters are able to attend a variety of social activities throughout the year to create connections, relieve stress, meet amazing people and overall to have a memorable college experience.



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Web Designer: Q Narvaez

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